[Vestibular cochlear disturbances in multiple sclerosis]

Autor: A V, Peresedova, N S, Alekseeva, A M, Klochkov, I M, Kirichenko, M V, Krotenkova, R N, Konovalov, O Iu, Rebrova, E K, Alekseev, N Sh, Arzumanian, I A, Zavalishin
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova.
ISSN: 1997-7298
Popis: To specify the character of vestibular cochlear disturbances in multiple sclerosis (MS) and mechanisms of their formation, the objective quantitative evaluation of experimental caloric nystagmus using the computer electronystagmographic method and a comparison of hearing impairment with asymmetry of vestibular reactions were conducted in 48 patients with MS. The peculiarities of vestibular disturbance found in the study suggest a predominance of central vestibular syndrome with both subtentorial and supratentorial traits. The influence of the heat stimulus of vestibular analyzer (hot water caloric test) in multiple sclerosis revealed during computer electronystagmography may have diagnostic value.
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