Putting E-government to work in healthcare environment: a multiregional project funded by the Italian InnovationTechnology Ministry

Autor: Luigi, Ballardini, Fabio, Germagnoli, Marco, Pagani, Marco, Picchi, Andrea, Stoppini, Paolo, Cristiani
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Studies in health technology and informatics. 107(Pt 2)
ISSN: 0926-9630
Popis: In 2002, the Italian Ministry of Innovation promoted a national bid for e-government projects. Specifically it allocated a budget of 120 M euro. One of the four project approved in healthcare sector was the "Information, Care ("Assistenza" in Italian) and healthcare Education by the Web" (IAEW), with a global budget of 2580 k euro, partially financed by Ministry with a quota of 830 k euro. The project involves 12 medical structures (both national excellences centers and local regional hospitals) located in two different Region of North Italy, dealing with two different healthcare regional systems (Lombardia and Emilia-Romagna), with potentially 3 millions of users.
Databáze: OpenAIRE