Leg and foot ulcer prevalence and investigation of the peripheral arterial and venous circulation in a randomised elderly population. An epidemiological survey and clinical investigation

Autor: E, Andersson, C, Hansson, G, Swanbeck
Rok vydání: 1993
Zdroj: Acta dermato-venereologica. 73(1)
ISSN: 0001-5555
Popis: Five thousand one hundred and forty questionnaires concerning leg ulcers were sent to a randomly selected population aged 65 years and older in Gothenburg in April 1989. The response rate was 89%. Ninety-seven individuals answered affirmatively, that they had leg ulcers, which corresponds to a prevalence of 2.15 +/- 0.42 per cent. These 97 individuals and the same number of controls were asked to come for a medical examination with tests of the peripheral circulation and an interview. Seventy-five (of the 97) were examined. Thirty-five had leg or foot ulcers caused by vascular insufficiency and/or diabetes and the true prevalence was estimated to be 1.02 +/- 0.29 per cent.
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