[Age and gender changes of apatites from human hard tooth tissues]

Autor: O L, Pikhur, G A, Ryzhak, A K, Iordanishvili, V V, Iankovskiĭ, M M, D'iakonov
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Advances in gerontology = Uspekhi gerontologii. 27(4)
ISSN: 1561-9125
Popis: Apatites of hard tissues of teeth of persons of different sex and age were studied in detail. It is shown that the crystal structure of apatites depends on changes in the composition of the enamel that happen during a person's life. Limits of the variations of the crystal lattice parameters of the enamel apatites connected with the complicate processes of de- and remineralization have been determined. On the basis of the identified correlations between chemical composition, crystal lattice parameters and age of patients, the complicated interrelated isomorphic replacements occurring in the crystal structure of apatites of hard tooth tissues during aging were analysed.
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