[Preventive analgesia and early postoperative period in ambulatory orthopedic surgeries in children]

Autor: B A, Selin, V L, Ershov
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Anesteziologiia i reanimatologiia. (1)
ISSN: 0201-7563
Popis: The purpose of the case study was to compare the adequacy of anesthetic management and the specificity of the early postoperative course with preventive analgesia (group 1) and without it (group 2). Preventive analgesia comprised diclofenac, 50-75 mg/kg in intramuscular injections made 1 h before surgery, and microdoses of ketamine, 1.0 mg/kg in intramuscular injections 0.3 mg/kg in intravenous injections as a component of premedication. In as far as the hemodynamic course is concerned, both types of anesthesia were adequate. The main differences were registered in the assessment of the early postoperative period. An earlier awakening was observed in group 1, which we attributed to a more valuable antinociceptive protection and to lower doses of ketamine (group 1--3.2 mg/kg; group 2--4.3 mg/kg). According to the results the preventive analgesia method reduces significantly the postoperative pain and anxiety, which makes the administration of additional analgetics advisable and cuts the child's stay in one-day hospital.
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