The use of lidocaine to reduce the pain of myochrysine injections for children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis

Autor: A, Kovalesky, D D, Sherry, T J, Lehman
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: The Journal of rheumatology. 13(2)
ISSN: 0315-162X
Popis: Myochrysine (gold sodium thiomalate, GSTM) injections are the therapy of choice for children with refractory juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. In this single blinded study 8 children receiving GSTM were asked to rate their discomfort after a total of 185 injections of GSTM to which were added in random fashion either 0, 0.1, or 0.25 ml of 1% lidocaine. The addition of 0.1 ml of lidocaine was associated with a reduction of the mean complaint of pain on an ordinal pain score of 1-10 from 4.32 for injections containing no lidocaine to 2.54 for injections containing 0.1 ml (p less than .01). Addition of 0.25 ml of lidocaine did not provide a significant increase in pain reduction (p greater than .05).
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