Incidence of male childhood sexual abuse and psychological sequelae in disaster workers exposed to a terrorist attack

Autor: Pam, Leck, JoAnn, Difede, Ivy, Patt, Cezar, Giosan, Lauren, Szkodny
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: International journal of emergency mental health. 8(4)
ISSN: 1522-4821
Popis: This study documents the prevalence of male childhood sexual abuse (CSA) and psychological sequelae in a sample of disaster workers deployed to the World Trade Center (WTC) site following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack. There are limited data on male CSA and its psychological impact, especially on a large non-treatment seeking sample. As part of a mandatory medical screening program, workers were assessed with well-validated and widely used clinician interview and self-report measures following their involvement in the restoration of services to Ground Zero and surrounding areas of lower Manhattan. Frequency of CSA measured by the Traumatic Events Interview (TEI) was 4.3% (n = 92). Clinician interview and self-report data were analyzed using t-tests, revealing statistically significant relationships (but not clinically meaningful scores) between CSA and scores on the CAPS, PCL, BDI, STAXI, and SDS. Further analyses revealed that individuals endorsing CSA were three-times more likely to score high (vs. low) on the BDI and CAPS. Since disaster workers traditionally summon images of strength and mastery, professionals may overlook CSA and symptoms of depression and PTSD in this population.
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