[SciELO: method for electronic publishing]

Autor: A, Laerte Packer, M, Rocha Biojone, I, Antonio, R, Mayumi Takemaka, A, Pedroso García, A, Costa da Silva, R, Toshiyuki Murasaki, C, Mylek, O, Carvalho Reisl, H C, Rocha F Delbucio
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Revista espanola de salud publica. 75(4)
ISSN: 1135-5727
Popis: It describes the SciELO Methodology Scientific Electronic Library Online for electronic publishing of scientific periodicals, examining issues such as the transition from traditional printed publication to electronic publishing, the scientific communication process, the principles which founded the methodology development, its application in the building of the SciELO site, its modules and components, the tools use for its construction etc. The article also discusses the potentialities and trends for the area in Brazil and Latin America, pointing out questions and proposals which should be investigated and solved by the methodology. It concludes that the SciELO Methodology is an efficient, flexible and wide solution for the scientific electronic publishing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE