[Restriction endonuclease Sse9I (correction of Sse91) from Sporosarcina strain SP.9D recognizes the 5'-AATT-3' DNA sequence]

Autor: D A, Gonchar, V S, Dedkov, V A, Verkhozina, Iu S, Kusner, A V, Shevchenko, S Kh, Degtiarev
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Molekuliarnaia genetika, mikrobiologiia i virusologiia. (1)
ISSN: 0208-0613
Popis: Sse91, a type II restriction endonuclease, has been isolated from Sporosarcina species 9D. The recognition sequence and cleavage point of restriction endonuclease Sse91 have been determined as 5'-decrease AATT-3'. The new enzyme is an isoschizomer of Tsp5091, but its optimal incubation temperature is 55 degrees C and it is inactivated at 65 degrees C for 20 min.
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