[Effect of benzamide derivatives on convulsions induced by the toxic action of oxygen in rats]

Autor: O A, Gol'dina, V G, Tepliakov, E A, Demurov, Iu B, Koloskov, V A, Zagorevskiĭ
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Biulleten' eksperimental'noi biologii i meditsiny. 104(10)
ISSN: 0365-9615
Popis: The reversible MAO-A inhibitor moclobemide (5 mg/kg) was shown to prevent seizures in rats during exposure to toxic oxygen (6 ata). Benzamide derivatives increased the latent period of oxygen seizures and decreased the lethality following hyperbaric oxygenation. The range of anti-MAO activity of moclobemide and clorgyline in the rat brain and heart after toxic oxygenation was studied. It was distinct from those in control animals. Clorgyline was found to be more active in inhibiting MAO during toxic oxygenation in the heart and moclobemide-in the brain. The possibility is shown to prevent oxygen seizures not only with irreversible MAO-A inhibitors (clorgyline), but also with reversible ones (moclobemide).
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