Iron balance in the red blood cell donor

Autor: G M, Brittenham
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Developments in biologicals. 120
ISSN: 1424-6074
Popis: Phlebotomy of a unit of blood produces a loss of 200 to 250 mg of iron in haemoglobin. Because of physiological differences in iron balance between women of childbearing age and men, the loss of similar amounts of iron at donation has divergent consequences for committed donors. Women of childbearing age have an increased risk of iron deficiency if they donate more than one unit per year while men are usually able to maintain iron balance while donating four or more units of blood per year. Lack of iron is the most important medical reason for deferral from repeat donation and primarily affects women of childbearing age. Deferral of these women discourages them from further donation and may lead to their loss as donors. Provisions for blood donation should protect those who give blood from adverse consequences of their altruism. Safe and effective approaches to iron replacement after donation have been developed that can prevent iron deficiency in women who give blood repeatedly. Blood centres should consider incorporating programmes of iron replacement for women of childbearing age who give blood repeatedly to protect these donors against iron deficiency and to enhance their retention and commitment as dedicated donors.
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