[Response in cuttings of Taxodium hybrid 'Zhongshanshan' and their parents to drought and re-hydration.]

Autor: Qin, Shi, Yun Long, Yin, Zhi Quan, Wang, Wen Cai, Fan, Jian Feng, Hua
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Ying yong sheng tai xue bao = The journal of applied ecology. 27(11)
ISSN: 1001-9332
Popis: In this study, three different strains of Taxodium hybrid 'Zhongshanshan' varieties [T. hybrid 302 (T. distichum♀×T. mucronatum♂), T. hybrid 407 (T. mucronatum♀×T. distichum♂), T. hybrid 118 (T. hybrid 302 ♀×T. macronatum ♂)] and their parents, T. distichum and T. mucronatum, were applied to investigate the response of photosynthetic characteristics, antioxidant enzyme systems and morphological characteristics to drought stress and recovery. The results indicated that as drought days were prolonged, all plants' net photosynthetic rate (P本文研究了落羽杉和墨杉及其杂交后代中山杉302(落羽杉♀×墨杉♂)、中山杉407(墨杉♀×落羽杉♂)、回交代中山杉118(中山杉302♀×墨杉♂)在自然干旱胁迫和复水过程中,光合特征、抗氧化酶系统和形态特性等的响应.结果表明:随干旱时间的延长,所有植株的净光合速率逐渐降低、脯氨酸开始积累且抗氧化酶系统逐渐清除丙二醛的毒性.胁迫至第8天,落羽杉净光合速率的下降幅度最大,而中山杉118的水分利用效率最高、丙二醛含量最少;墨杉的超氧化物歧化酶活性和脯氨酸含量增长最大.复水2 d后,所有植物的参数均有不同程度的恢复,其中,中山杉118恢复速率最快,其净光合速率和脯氨酸含量分别恢复了74.4%和60.2%.复水9 d后,所有植株的测定指标基本恢复至或接近正常水平,其中,中山杉118的生物量未受影响且根冠比显著增加.植物的耐旱能力依次为墨杉中山杉118中山杉407中山杉302落羽杉.回交品种中山杉118的杂种优势明显,较大程度地遗传了墨杉的耐旱性,该结论可为耐旱中山杉品种的杂交选育和推广应用提供科学依据.
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