[At the cutting edge of Russian pharmacy: from the department materia medica to the department of military-medical supply and pharmacy]

Autor: Iu V, Miroshnichenko, S A, Bunin, V N, Kononov, S Z, Umarov, N L, Kostenko
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Voenno-meditsinskii zhurnal. 334(8)
ISSN: 0026-9050
Popis: The authors presented a historical sketch abouth the department of military-medical supply and pharmacy of the military-medical academy since 1798. During the whole history of the department the academic staff has successfully combined educational and research work with solution of a practical questions of improvement of medical supply of the russian army and navy. During the different historical periods and on the basis of current requirements of military medicine and pharmacy it is necessary to develop theory and practice of medical supply and normative legal acts of the system of medical supply, to develop new examples of medical property, to develop manufacturing processes of medicinal products, quality management, to perform researches in the area of radiochemistry of medical products, forensic chemistry, toxicology, research of medical plants, medicinal water and etc.
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