Radical cystectomy and orthotopic ileal bladder substitution with serous lined extramural ureteral reimplantation--report of 8 cases

Autor: Jovan, Hadzi-Djokić, Dragoslav, Basić, Milan, Petrović, Vladimir, Stamenković, Ljubomir M, Djurasić, Tomislav, Pejcić
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Acta chirurgica Iugoslavica. 58(3)
ISSN: 0354-950X
Popis: We review the functional and oncoloic outcomes of radical cystectomy and orthotog pic ileal bladder substitution with serous lined extramural ureteral reimplantation.From 1985 to 2009 a total of 125 male patients (mean age 62.5 years, range 37 to 74) underwent orhotopic ileal bladder substitute at the urological Clinic in Belgrade. Of these, 8 patients underwent modified technique with serous lined extramural ureteral reimplantation. The median follow-up (available for 88 patients) period was 30 (2-72) months.Perioperative lethality was nil. Modified operative technique was associated with low postoperative complication rates and without ureteric implantation site stenosis, reflux or deteriorization of renal function. All patients had satisfied day and night continence rates.The serous-lined extramural ureteral reimplantation is an attractive technique regarding its safety, versality and functional outcome. It is especially favorable for reimplantation to ureters of various calibers as well as dilated ureters.
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