Irradiation of bio-objects aboard the Cosmos 690 biosatellite

Autor: Y A, Akatov, A N, Gladilkin, I V, Ignatov, S B, Kozlova, A V, Kolodin, R A, Kuzin, V I, Popov, L N, Seliverstov, V G, Semyonov, M A, Sychkov, B I, Solyanov, V V, Yurgov
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Life sciences and space research. 14
ISSN: 0075-9422
Popis: Animals on the Cosmos 690 were exposed to Cs 137 gamma-radiation of 320 curies. The on board emitter was a spherical container made of tungsten alloy with a gamma source placed in the centre. A special dose filter provided a uniform +/-10% distribution of the dose field. Animal containers were equipped with thermoluminescent dosimeters. Radiation was monitored by an on-board dosimeter and displayed. The emitter was controlled by commands from the ground. On the tenth flight day the emitter was turned on and bio-objects were exposed for 24 hours. The dose received by bio-objects located in different areas of the biosatellite varied from 200 to 1000 rad. The flight experiment confirmed entirely the reliability of the radiation system.
Databáze: OpenAIRE