[Pathological findings of visible and non-visible tumors on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) prior to radical prostatectomy]

Autor: A, Rivière, F, Cornud, F, Beuvon, M, Sibony, P, Legmann, N, Barry Delongchamps
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Progres en urologie : journal de l'Association francaise d'urologie et de la Societe francaise d'urologie. 27(10)
ISSN: 1166-7087
Popis: As urologists are questioned about the overtreatment of localized prostate cancer, multiparametric MRI can diagnose significant prostate cancer thanks to targeted biopsies. However, some tumors cannot be detected by MRI. What are the pathological characteristics of those tumors?We have selected 144 consecutive patients treated with radical prostatectomy for clinically localized prostate cancer diagnosed on systematic and targeted biopsies (KoelisTwo hundred and seventy seven tumors were identified. A hundred and thirty nine were non-visible on MRI. They had a significantly lower volume (0.15cmNon-apparent prostate tumors on multiparametric MRI have a Gleason score, a tumor volume - and consequently - a grade 4 tumor volume significantly lower than apparent tumors.4.
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