[Efficacy of sodium hydroxide at 2.5 %, chlorhexidine gluconate at 0.5 % and calcium hydroxide against Candida albicans]

Autor: D, Ndiaye, K, Diongue, K, Bane, A, Seck, S O, Niang, F, Lèye Benoist, B, Touré
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal de mycologie medicale. 26(4)
ISSN: 1773-0449
Popis: Endodontic flora is dominated in the apical part of the channels by strict anaerobic and some facultative anaerobic bacteria but also by Candida yeasts, especially Candida albicans species that are involved in the maintenance and persistence of endodontic infections. Their elimination of the canal system in practice by chemo-mechanical methods of disinfection is not always guaranteed. Thus, this in vitro study was performed to determine the sensitivity of C. albicans with sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) dosed at 2.5 %, the chlorhexidine digluconate 0.5 % and calcium hydroxide used in inter-session medication.The diffusion method was used initially to test the sensitivity of C. albicans strains with the above products. Then a dilution technique has allowed us to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of these active products on C. albicans.Strains from infected pulp teeth of patients showed a sensitivity of C. albicans to sodium hypochlorite to a minimum inhibitory concentration less than 70μg/mL and 30μg/mL for chlorhexidine.This study demonstrated a sensitivity of C. albicans to sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine.
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