[Characteristics of the reactogenic and immunogenic properties of killed influence vaccine purified and concentrated by the method of adsorbed chromatography on silicate sorbents]

Autor: T V, Peradze, E A, Fridman, V M, Kolikov, M A, Bichurina, V V, Goriunova
Rok vydání: 1976
Zdroj: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (9)
ISSN: 0372-9311
Popis: Reactogenic and immunogenic properties of killed influenza vaccine prepared of various strains of influenza virus by the method of sorption chromatography on sliciate sorbents were studied on small groups of volunteers; there proved to be a moderate reactogenic and a marked immunogenic activity of the experimental batches of the preparation. The dose, the concentration and the method of administration of the vaccine to obtain the immune response were determined. The indices of humoral and local immunity following a single vaccination were studied. On the basis of parenteral immunization of donors with killed influenza vaccine there were obtained experimental samples of the antinfluenza gamma-globulin with an increased specific activity.
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