[Features of nutritive correction in swimmers during their training in conditions of midlands]

Autor: I I, Ambrazhuk, M Iu, Iakovlev
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Voprosy pitaniia. 82(6)
ISSN: 0042-8833
Popis: The efficiency of the correction of diet using dietary supplements and special foods for athletes has been evaluated in 21 highly qualified swimmers, aged 17 to 26 years, during training cycle in midlands (altitude 1792 m above sea level). A personalized approach, consisting of the timely correction of individual programs of biomedical support, especially nutritional correction is directly linked to the performance of the functional state of an athlete in the most important period of training in midlands. At the end of training gathering the increase in AcT, ALT blood plasma activity by 18-42% and the reduction in the activity of creatine kinase by 26% in the normal ranges (p0.05), as well as increased cortisol level by 35% was noted, indicating an adequate voltage of the body systems in response to the load presented in conjunction with the use of pharmacological correction. Hemoglobin concentration in blood increased by 5.6% (p0.05). Assessment of body composition showed that by the end of the training cycle in midlands there was an increase of active cell mass by 3.5% (p0.05). Significant (p0.05) increase in oxygen consumption (by 7%) along with the improvement of swimming in the 200 m in the zone of anaerobic threshold (ANSP) (by 5%) at the end of the training cycle demonstrate the effectiveness of the training process conditions and effective use of nutritional support.
Databáze: OpenAIRE