Rapid ethnographic assessment of breastfeeding practices in periurban Mexico City

Autor: M L, Guerrero, R C, Morrow, J J, Calva, H, Ortega-Gallegos, S C, Weller, G M, Ruiz-Palacios, A L, Morrow
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 77(4)
ISSN: 0042-9686
Popis: Before carrying out a breastfeeding promotion programme in a periurban area of Mexico City, we conducted a rapid ethnographic study to determine the factors associated with absence of exclusive breastfeeding. The responses to pilot interviews were used to develop a standardized questionnaire regarding reasons for infant feeding choice, sources of advice, and barriers to breastfeeding. We interviewed a random sample of 150 mothers with a child5 years of age; 136 (91%) of them had initiated breastfeeding; but only 2% exclusively breastfed up to 4 months. The mothers consistently stated that the child's nutrition, health, growth, and hygiene were the main reasons for the type of feeding selected; cost, comfort, and the husband's opinion were less important. Physicians were ranked as the most important source of advice. Reduction or cessation of breastfeeding occurred on the doctor's advice (68%); or when the mothers encountered local folk illnesses such as "coraje" (52%) or "susto" (54%), which are associated with anger or fright; or had "not enough milk" (62%) or "bad milk" (56%); or because of illness of the mother (56%) or child (43%). During childhood illnesses and conditions, breastfeeding was reduced and the use of supplementary foods was increased. This study emphasizes the importance of cultural values in infant feeding choices, defines specific barriers to breastfeeding, and provides a basis for interventions to promote exclusive breastfeeding in the study population.Prior to initiating a community-based intervention program to promote exclusive breast feeding in San Pedro Martir, Mexico, a 2-month (1994) rapid ethnographic assessment was conducted. 150 mothers whose youngest child was under 5 years of age were interviewed. 136 mothers (91%) had breast-fed their infant, for a median duration of 6 months, but only 2% exclusively breast-fed for up to 4 months. Mothers consistently described breast feeding as the best nutrition for their infant. However, the dominant feeding pattern was mixed breast and bottle-feeding. Formula, tea, and water were introduced during the first postpartum day. By the end of the third month, 63% of mothers had introduced solid food to promote growth. It was common practice to reduce breast feeding and increase feeding of supplementary foods when a child was ill. Physicians were the most respected source of knowledge on breast feeding. 42% of mothers reported that, at some point when they were breast feeding, a doctor had advised them to stop and half these mothers complied. The data collected in this rapid survey were used to guide a peer counseling program to promote exclusive breast feeding in the community.
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