Anti-oxidative stress system in cyanobacteria. Significance of type II peroxiredoxin and the role of 1-Cys peroxiredoxin in Synechocystis sp. strain PCC 6803

Autor: Naomi, Hosoya-Matsuda, Ken, Motohashi, Hidehisa, Yoshimura, Akiko, Nozaki, Kazuhito, Inoue, Masayuki, Ohmori, Toru, Hisabori
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: The Journal of biological chemistry. 280(1)
ISSN: 0021-9258
Popis: Two antioxidant proteins, SLL1621 and SLR1198, were captured in the cyanobacteria Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 using thioredoxin affinity chromatography, which was first applied to the survey of thioredoxin target proteins in chloroplasts (Motohashi, K., Kondoh, A., Stumpp, M. T., and Hisabori, T. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 98, 11224-11229). They are annotated as AhpC/TSA family protein (SLL1621) and antioxidant protein (SLR1198) in CyanoBase (Nakamura, Y., Kaneko, T., Hirosawa, M., Miyajima, N., and Tabata, S. (1998) Nucleic Acids Res. 26, 63-67). Based on sequence homology analysis SLL1621 and SLR1198 are categorized into type II peroxiredoxin and 1-Cys type peroxiredoxin, respectively. In vitro interaction between SLL1621 and thioredoxin was confirmed using the recombinant proteins expressed in Escherichia coli. Furthermore, we found that SLL1621 shows remarkable glutathione-dependent peroxidase activity. Disruption of the sll1621 gene had a dramatic effect on the viability of the cyanobacterial cells even under weak light conditions (50 micromol.m(-2).s(-1)), suggesting this peroxiredoxin is essential for this cyanobacterium. In contrast, although the peroxidase activity of SLR1198 was scarcely detected, disruption of the gene, slr1198, certainly affected the growth rate of the cells. The results indicate the physiological significance of two different peroxiredoxins as an anti-oxidative stress system in cyanobacteria.
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