Cargo-specific recruitment in clathrin- and dynamin-independent endocytosis

Autor: Paulina, Moreno-Layseca, Niklas Z, Jäntti, Rashmi, Godbole, Christian, Sommer, Guillaume, Jacquemet, Hussein, Al-Akhrass, James R W, Conway, Pauliina, Kronqvist, Roosa E, Kallionpää, Leticia, Oliveira-Ferrer, Pasquale, Cervero, Stefan, Linder, Martin, Aepfelbacher, Henrik, Zauber, James, Rae, Robert G, Parton, Andrea, Disanza, Giorgio, Scita, Satyajit, Mayor, Matthias, Selbach, Stefan, Veltel, Johanna, Ivaska
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Nature cell biology. 23(10)
ISSN: 1476-4679
Popis: Spatially controlled, cargo-specific endocytosis is essential for development, tissue homeostasis and cancer invasion. Unlike cargo-specific clathrin-mediated endocytosis, the clathrin- and dynamin-independent endocytic pathway (CLIC-GEEC, CG pathway) is considered a bulk internalization route for the fluid phase, glycosylated membrane proteins and lipids. While the core molecular players of CG-endocytosis have been recently defined, evidence of cargo-specific adaptors or selective uptake of proteins for the pathway are lacking. Here we identify the actin-binding protein Swiprosin-1 (Swip1, EFHD2) as a cargo-specific adaptor for CG-endocytosis. Swip1 couples active Rab21-associated integrins with key components of the CG-endocytic machinery-Arf1, IRSp53 and actin-and is critical for integrin endocytosis. Through this function, Swip1 supports integrin-dependent cancer-cell migration and invasion, and is a negative prognostic marker in breast cancer. Our results demonstrate a previously unknown cargo selectivity for the CG pathway and a role for specific adaptors in recruitment into this endocytic route.
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