[Evaluation of immune status in rubella infection in the pregnant population of the U.S.L. 3 of Pesaro 1981-1985]

Autor: M, Acetoso, L, Francesconi
Rok vydání: 1986
Zdroj: Quaderni Sclavo di diagnostica clinica e di laboratorio. 22(3)
ISSN: 0033-4979
Popis: The object of this study is an evaluation of the epidemic situation concerning the rubella in the pregnant population of age included between 18 and 40 years of the U.S.L. 3 of Pesaro, in the period 1981-1985. The percentage of seropositivity in an average is around 93.8%; nevertheless such a percentage of seronegativity persists as to justify an intervention of prophylaxis by means of vaccination above all in the age from 18 to 25 years, that represents the 43.8% of the examined sample. It must be pointed out the evolution of the immunity situation from the 36 to the 40 years.
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