Telling about diabetes canhelp disease acceptance in indulin dependent diabetes. A clinical experience

Autor: N, Davous-Harlé, M, Crouzet
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Diabetesmetabolism. 26(4)
ISSN: 1262-3636
Popis: Type 1 diabetes (IDDM) is an original, chronical illness which concerns the physician as well as the patient, who is strongly implicated in the self management of his treatment. In order to help them to cope with their illness, 31 IDDM patients patients usually attending our diabetology unit were submitted to an open questionaire. We considered that IDDM may be a psycho-somatic disease, and that psychological factors may interfere with glycemic balance. The purpose was 1) to explore the patient's relationship to himself as a diabetic subject, while listening to his "story"; 2) if telling his story is able to reduce his burden or if there is a risk of setting down a psychic level. In fact, it allowed a better self-knowing and understanding, so that the patient could get back some power against illness; it appears a useful tool for a better dialog between the physician and the patient.
Databáze: OpenAIRE