[Lifting of the oval face--LOV: technical note]

Autor: G, Thiéry, P, Haen, S, Laversanne, S, Bruneau, L, Brignol, L, Guyot
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Revue de laryngologie - otologie - rhinologie. 134(4-5)
ISSN: 0035-1334
Popis: The authors describe a rejuvenation surgical technic of cervical area ptosis. It is called LOV for "Lifting of the Oval of Visage". LOV is realised under local anaesthesia, lasts about 40 minutes. In this study, post-operative results are evaluated after one year.retrospective study with anonymous questionnaire measuring patient's satisfaction, operated between january 2011 and december 2011, by the same surgeon in the department.43/45 questionnaires were analyzed, 40 females (93%) and 3 males (7%). Average age was 56 years, with a range of 51 years to 66 years. Our satisfaction ratings values after surgery were: very good: 32 (74.4%), good: 8 (18.6%), intermediate: 2 (4.6%), unsatisfied: 1 (2.3%), will not undergo LOV again: 1 (2.3%), would not recommend LOV to a friend: 2 (4.6%), recommend LOV to a friend: 37 (86%). The only complication (2.3%) was an unilateral hypoesthesia earlobe.LOV is simple and effective. It is a surgical alternative in the treatment of cervical area ptosis. Performed under local anesthesia, this short procedure responds to complaints of patients: safe rejuvenation and natural looking. Since 2008, LOV is performed in our department. Recruitment is most often "word of mouth", as confirmed by 86% of patients who would "recommend it to a friend". In cosmetic procedure, we should always keep in mind "a good result is measured to good patient satisfaction".
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