[Inversion polymorphism in malarial mosquito Anopheles messeae natural populations from the north-eastern region of the range]

Autor: A M, Rusakova, G N, Artemov, N K, Potapova, V N, Stegniĭ
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Genetika. 46(10)
ISSN: 0016-6758
Popis: A cytogenetic study of eight natural populations of Anopheles messeae from the north-eastern part of the species areal was conducted. Complete predominance of homozygotes XL11 and 3R11 in the northern populations was observed. Change in the chromosome 2 inversion frequencies from south northwards was shown. The 2R11 variant, which was not observed in the southern region, was found in the northern populations. These results indicate the maintenance of chromosome frequency of the distribution of inversions XL1 and 3R (in longitude) and 2R1 (in latitude). The inversion frequency distribution in the examined part of the areal have been preserved for a long time.
Databáze: OpenAIRE