A method for fast multislice T1 measurement: feasibility studies on phantoms, young children, and children with Canavan's disease

Autor: J, Haselgrove, J, Moore, Z, Wang, E, Traipe, L, Bilaniuk
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Journal of magnetic resonance imaging : JMRI. 11(4)
ISSN: 1053-1807
Popis: We have developed a multislice protocol for quantitative T1 measurements in which the processing time and the acquisition time are under 2 minutes each for a complete brain study of 15 slices. An echoplanar, inversion-recovery image sequence is designed to collect data suitable for analysis using a linear regression algorithm. The precision is approximately twice the noise to signal ratio of the images. The accuracy of the protocol is better than 1% for T1 in the range 0-2 seconds and deviates slightly for longer T1 values. The protocol is insensitive to B1 field values. If needed, the data can be postprocessed using a slow, nonlinear algorithm to give an accuracy of less than 1% and a precision of approximately the noise to signal ratio throughout a range of T1 values from 0 to 4 seconds.
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