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A strain of streptomycin-resistant Listeria monocytogenes LM35 isolated from imported frozen beef was examined in this study. In conjugation studies, the L. monocytogenes LM35 strain harbouring two plasmids of 54, 3.0, 2.8 and 2.7 kilobase was used as the donor and streptomycin-sensitive and plasmidless L. monocytogenes LM65 and LM100 strains as the recipients. Streptomycin resistance was transferred to L. monocytogenes LM65 and LM100 strains at frequencies of 3.3 × 10(-8) and 1.2 × 10(-9) per input donor cells, respectively. In both occasions, we also observed the concomitant transfer of the donor's 54 kilobase plasmid. These results suggest that streptomycin resistance in L. monocytogenes LM35 was mediated by the 54 kilobase plasmid. |