Case report. Nasopharyngeal mucormycosis

Autor: M R, Raji, F P, Agha, O F, Gabriele
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Journal of computer assisted tomography. 5(5)
ISSN: 0363-8715
Popis: Successful management of nasopharyngeal mucormycosis in a 58-year-old leukemia patient is reported. High index of suspicion, localizing the disease to the nasopharynx, early diagnosis by biopsy, control of underlying debilitating leukemia, and aggressive therapeutic approach all contributed to the successful outcome. Review of the literature indicates this to be the first reported case of successful outcome of mucormycosis in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia. Application and findings of computed tomography for evaluation of mucormycosis are discussed.
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