[Peculiarities of peripheral haemodynamics in patients with varicose disease of lower-limb veins complicated by trophic ulcers]

Autor: V M, Koshkin, A V, Karalkin, O D, Nastavsheva, L I, Bogdanets, M B, Girina, K I, Siniakov
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Angiologiia i sosudistaia khirurgiia = Angiology and vascular surgery. 14(2)
ISSN: 1027-6661
Popis: The work was dedicated to studying local, regional and systemic circulatory disorders in patients suffering from varicose disease of the lower extremities veins with accompanying trophic ulcers. The possibility of performing this work was determined by a diagnostic complex possessing high informative value (especially it concerns studying microcirculation). Based on the obtained findings we managed not only to evaluate severity of microcirculatory disorders but also to characterize them qualitatively, in particular to reveal the so-called blood microshunting phenomenon. Pathophysiologically important is the development of inflammatory hyperaemia in the area of trophic ulcers, which is prognostically favourable for their healing. Proceeding from the above-mentioned, utterly true turned out the conclusion concerning the necessity to include microcirculation-improving pharmaceutical substances into the program of treatment of patients suffering from varicose disease of the lower-limb veins, especially those presenting with concomitant trophic ulcers, along with surgical intervention.
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