[Esophageal perforations. Presentation of 23 cases]

Autor: A, Ríos Zambudio, L F, Martínez de Haro, M A, Ortiz Escandell, H, Durán, V, Munitiz Ruiz, P, Parrilla Paricio
Rok vydání: 2001
Zdroj: Gastroenterologia y hepatologia. 23(8)
ISSN: 0210-5705
Popis: Esophageal perforations are the most serious perforations of the digestive tract and their treatment remains controversial. The aim of this study was to analyse the outcome of patients with esophageal perforations given surgical and conservative treatment.Retrospective study of 23 patients with esophageal perforations, 8 cervical (35%) and 15 thoracic (65%). Medical treatment was indicated in patients who fulfilled Cameron's criteria (minimal signs of clinical sepsis; disruption contained in the mediastinum; drainage of the cavity back into the esophagus; minimal symptoms). The remaining patients underwent surgery.Two patients with cervical perforations (25%) met Cameron's criteria. Evolution after conservative treatment was favourable. The remaining patients (75%) were surgically treated: simple closure of the perforation was performed in four and drainage of the cervical abscess in two. Two of the patients who underwent surgery presented pleural hemorrhage, one of which was associated with pneumonia. Four patients with thoracic perforation (27%) met the criteria for conservative treatment. One presented respiratory distress syndrome during treatment and required intensive care. Evolution was favorable in all. The remaining 11 patients (73%) received surgical treatment: in five (46%) simple closure of the perforation was performed, in three (27%) bipolar exclusion was performed and in the remaining patients, other techniques were used. Morbidity was 82% (nine patients) mainly due to pneumonia and mortality was 46% (five patients).Treatment of esophageal perforation should be individualized. Conservative treatment should be considered in patients meeting Cameron's criteria as their evolution is favorable, with low morbidity and mortality and surgery is not necessary.
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