[Industrial factors in the etiology of obstructive respiratory diseases. Implications for prevention]

Autor: R, Bollinelli, Y, Rouch, M, Refregier, B, Doyon
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 1983
Zdroj: Revue francaise des maladies respiratoires. 11(4)
ISSN: 0301-0279
Popis: The statistics of occupational diseases in industrial medicine, as well as the markedly elevated incidence of chronic bronchitis amongst workers, show that there is an additional respiratory risk linked to industrial environment and the conditions of work. Epidemiological studies in industry and in particular certain occupations, such as mining and the construction industry have led to a better understanding of this industrial risk as a generator of the additional obstructive respiratory disease occurring in exposed workers. Among the unrecognised risks is the prolonged exposure to the oxides of nitrogen which are capable of affecting gas exchange, as has been shown in one of our investigations in the production of nitrogenous fertilizers, which explains the mechanism. In industrial medicine, a preventative strategy should be planned, on the one hand considering individual risks and taking account of personal and genetic factors, on the other hand monitoring of respiratory risks by the identification of new irritants and finally the organisation of respiratory function screening for the early detection of lung dysfunction, by more sensitive tests than the FEV1 (VEMS), whose validity should be studied. The priority is primary prevention by the suppression of toxic irritants and by the improvement of working conditions.
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