[Women and AIDS: breaking the silence in an adhesion group]

Autor: Ana Lúcia, Reis, Iara de Moraes, Xavier
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Revista brasileira de enfermagem. 56(1)
ISSN: 0034-7167
Popis: This study aims to discuss the relevance of the adhesion group on the quality of life of HIV-positive women who take part in that activity at a Centro Municipal de Saúde (Rio de Janeiro--Brazil). It is a descriptive investigation with a qualitative approach. It focus on eight women infected by their steady partner. The theoretical referential is constituted by the categories of HIV/AIDS, gender and nursing care. The investigation evidences, as strategies to face AIDS, the increment of the Public Health System (SUS) and the Woman Integral Health Care Program (PAISM), the use of interdisciplinary approaches and multiprofessional critical methodologies in the implementation of health care. It is concluded that nursing care, in the context of the woman's health-disease process, must be ruled through the integrality of humanized assistance, attending ethical and solidarity principles and gender relationships.
Databáze: OpenAIRE