[Evaluation of postvaccinal pertussis immunity by using immunoenzyme analysis]

Autor: A A, Khardina, I A, Lapaeva, I P, Amelina, E V, Rusakova, M N, Kuliakina
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Zhurnal mikrobiologii, epidemiologii i immunobiologii. (1)
ISSN: 0372-9311
Popis: The effectiveness of adsorbed DPT vaccine manufactured in the USSR, evaluated by its capacity of inducing the formation of the main classes of immunoglobulins and by the duration of immune response to the acellular complex of protective antigens (pertussis toxin and agglutinogen-2), was studied with the use of modified EIA. Out of 273 children immunized with adsorbed DPT vaccine in the course of this study, 87.2% had IgG-antibodies, 14.1% had IgA-antibodies and 3.2% of the children had IgM-antibodies. The level of immunity in children having received the full course of immunization with adsorbed DPT vaccine was significantly higher in comparison with children given only the primary course of immunization and nonimmunized children of the same age. Antipertussis immunity was found to decrease two years after the completion of the course of immunization with adsorbed DPT vaccine and in children over 5-6 years of age. Adsorbed DPT vaccine prevented the disease, but not infection. The level of postinfection immunity was higher than that of postvaccinal immunity.
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