['Junior Doctor' in Plastic Surgery, a new status. Evaluation of the practices after one semester of application of the reform]

Autor: F, Thuau, J, Aubrit, F, Duteille, U, Lancien, P, Perrot
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Annales de chirurgie plastique et esthetique.
ISSN: 1768-319X
Popis: The reform of the third cycle of medical studies in 2017 led to the creation of the status of "Junior Doctor", corresponding to the consolidation phase and allowing increasing autonomy and supervision from the intern. In plastic surgery, this status appeared for the first time in November 2021 in French hospitals; it lasts two years and succeeds the first four years of internship.We sent a self-questionnaire by email in May 2022 to the 21 French Junior Doctors. This was interested in their training ground, formation program, consultation activity, operating program, integration into the on-call list, the existence of half-days of availability, and their general opinion on this reform and its implementation.We collected 20 questionnaires with a sex ratio of twelve men for eight women. The majority of respondents worked in a university hospital (85 %). 45 % had their consultations, 60 % had their own operating sessions under general anesthesia, and 35 % under local anesthesia. Only 25 % of them considered this reform to be a step forward in terms of training.The introduction of the status of Junior Doctor is contrasted within the various hospitals. Despite the progressive and supervised autonomy provided by this reform, it is generally perceived neutrally or negatively by Junior Doctors. The establishment of own consultations and operating sessions stands out as a key positive element allowing better application of the reform.
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