Micronucleus test and bone-marrow chromosome analysis: a comparison of 2 methods in vivo for evaluating chemically induced chromosomal alterations

Autor: U, Kliesch, N, Danford, I D, Adler
Rok vydání: 1981
Zdroj: Mutation research. 80(2)
ISSN: 0027-5107
Popis: The sensitivities of 2 cytogenetic tests, chromosome analysis and the micronucleus test, were compared by using mice exposed to the substances methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), mitomycin C (MC) and procarbazine (Natulan). The lowest dose at which a significant effect could be observed in bone-marrow cells of mice was determined. Both test systems proved equally sensitive for MC and procarbazine. Doses as low as 0.16 mg of MC per kg and 3.12 mg of Natulan per kg significantly increased both the aberration rates and the micronucleus rates above those of the controls. In contrast, after exposure to MMS, chromosomal aberrations were elevated above control levels at 5 mg/kg, and the micronucleus rate differed significantly from that of the controls after a dose of 10 mg/kg. With the present protocol and sample size one can conclude that the micronucleus test is generally comparable in sensitivity to the chromosome analysis. However, the MMS data indicate that there might be chemicals for which the resolution of the chromosome analysis is higher. When the mutagens were given in 2 single i.p. injections separated by 24 h, the polychromatic erythrocytes were analyzed for the presence of micronuclei 6 or 24 h after the second injection. The double treatment did not increase the micronucleus rates above the single-treatment results at either sampling interval.
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