[Peritoneal tuberculosis: 27 cases in the suburbs of northeastern Paris]

Autor: N, Thoreau, O, Fain, P, Babinet, O, Lortholary, M, Robineau, D, Valeyre, P, Boudon, J, Desrues, J, Glowinski, D, Mechali, C, Poirier, P, Joudiou, J, Rautureau, J, Stirnemann, A, Kettaneh, P, Cruaud, M, Thomas
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: The international journal of tuberculosis and lung disease : the official journal of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 6(3)
ISSN: 1027-3719
Popis: Peritoneal tuberculosis did not disappear from France during the 1990s.To determine the characteristics of peritoneal tuberculosis in the north-eastern suburbs of Paris.A retrospective study of cases diagnosed with peritoneal tuberculosis between 1990 and 1998 in five suburban hospitals in the north-east region of Paris.Twenty-seven cases of adult peritoneal tuberculosis were diagnosed. There were nine women and 18 men, with a mean age of 37.5 years, 88.9% of whom were foreign born. General and digestive symptoms--abdominal pain and/or ascites--were present in 96.3% of the cases. The mean delay in treatment was 30 days. Peritoneal involvement was isolated in 25.9% of cases, and associated with pulmonary tuberculosis in 40.7% or hepatic tuberculosis in 25.9%. Co-infection with HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) was present 14.8% of cases. Culture of ascites fluid, laparoscopy and/or laparotomy (n = 17), with directed biopsy, aided in the formal diagnosis of peritoneal tuberculosis in 59.2%. One relapse and one case of multiresistance were observed. The mean duration of treatment was 9 months (range 6-12 months). Three patients received treatment with corticosteroids, and 91.2% of the patients achieved cure without sequelae.Peritoneal tuberculosis is not rare in the Paris region. The diagnosis should be suspected in case with ascites and fever, and can be confirmed by laparoscopy with sampling for bacteriology and histology. The methods of treatment need to be standardised.
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