[Use of cypramil in the treatment of depression in patients with gastrointestinal cancer]

Autor: A M, Reznik, G N, Mironychev, A L, Arbuzov, K V, Dziuba, A A, Nazaralieva
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii imeni S.S. Korsakova. 104(9)
ISSN: 1997-7298
Popis: Depressive state in cancer patients is known to meet the criteria of mild depressive episode (F33.0) according to ICD-10. In the earlier stages of the disease and after successful treatment, depressive symptoms are usually combined with anxiety and obsessive fear, moderate appearances of ideator and motor inhibition, with permanent presence of asthenic symptoms. Once the disease is getting severer and the treatment is less successful, asthenia acquires hyposthenic features, with symptoms of apathy and dysphoria being attached. Cypramil was shown to be an effective medication in the treatment of depression in patients with malignant tumors of gastric-intestinal tract. The most efficient was the treatment conducted on the earlier stages of the cancer process and in cases of successful surgery and chemotherapy, in combination of depression with anxiety, anxious hypochondria, asthenia. Antidepressants must be used together with psychotherapy.
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