Psychometric Evaluation of a 13-Point Measure of Students' Overall Competence in Community-Based Dental Education Programs

Autor: Vidya, Ramaswamy, Wilhelm, Piskorowski, Mark, Fitzgerald, Howard A, Hamerink, Stephen, Stefanac, Rachel, Greene, Marilyn S, Lantz
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Journal of dental education. 80(10)
ISSN: 1930-7837
Popis: Since 2006, the University of Michigan School of Dentistry has used a 13-point measure of overall competence instrument to assess fourth-year dental students' end-rotation performance at community clinics. The aim of this study was to assess the reliability and validity of this instrument used by preceptors to rate students' overall competence during community-based dental education experiences. The measure was analyzed using performance ratings for all fourth-year DDS students in the graduating classes of 2012 and 2013 (combined n=201). The results were that interrater agreement was satisfactory and the measure scored high for internal consistency; also, the measure loaded highly on a single overall competence factor. Ratings on this measure did not correlate with students' final cumulative dental school GPA, but showed a significant positive correlation with their fourth-year fall patient management grades (which signify students' conscientiousness in managing patients and their families in a professional and ethical manner). There were differences in grading systems between the 2012 cohort (which used a pass/fail system) and the 2013 cohort (which used a letter grade system) and the mean ratings they received (higher for the 2013 cohort). Overall, the study found that the 13-point measure demonstrated excellent reliability and validity, suggesting it is useful in determining a student's clinical competence in these settings.
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