[Role of nephrectomy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma. Experience of the Department of Urology Juan Canalejo Hospital]

Autor: A, Blanco Díez, E, Fernández Rosado, G, Suárez Pascual, I, Rodríguez Gómez, M L, Ruibal Moldes, S, Novás Castro, F, Gómez Veiga, L, Alvarez Castelo, A, Barbagelata López, J, Ponce Díaz-Reixa, M, González Martín
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Actas urologicas espanolas. 29(2)
ISSN: 0210-4806
Popis: We expose our experience in nephrectomy in metastatic renal cell carcinoma, and also show complications, evolution and survival of these patients.We performe a retrospective review of renal cell carcinoma treated at our service in the period between January 1st 1991 and December 31st 2002. We only studied those which presented in a metastatic pattern (31), and divide these in two groups: the ones which were nephrectomized and those which were not. We try to showw the differences between the two groups in order of status performance (E.C.O.G.), associated morbidity and median survival. In the first group we also study complications of surgery and treatment that patients underwent.we performed nephrectomy in 19 cases, all of them E.C.O.G. 0-1. Median postoperative stay was 12 days, and complication rate was 11.5%. Of these patients, 45% underwent some type of systemic treatment, and median survival was 31 months. We didn't performed nephrectomy in 12 patients, of which 9 were E.C.O.G. 2-3. Associated co-morbidity was higher in this group. Only in three patients any treatment was offered always with palliative reason. Median survival was 3.8 months.In those patients with good performance status this approach does not represent more morbility nor mortality than in non-metastatic patients, and that is a cornerstone in their management. We also make a literature review in which we see the last pathways in the management of these patients, and that show the needing for a combined approach both quirurgical and inmunotherapical. We have review with special interest the studie's conclusions of SWOG and EORTC groups.
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