[Spike transmission in statistical neuronal ensembles. Induced epileptic focus in a model of hippocampal field CA3]

Autor: V I, Sbitnev
Rok vydání: 1979
Zdroj: Biofizika. 24(1)
ISSN: 0006-3029
Popis: In a spatially heterogeneous model the transition to supercritical phase was investigated as to the parameter characterizing the activation level of the pyramidal cells related to one another assuming the nonuniformity radius to be R0 = const. This is a transition from spontaneous activity to epileptoid bursts. Before the onset of epileptoid bursts the region of stochastic nonequilibrium of solutions is developed likely to produce pathologic dynamic patterns. With further increase of the activation parameter the system comes to epileptoid state. This synchronized firing of pyramidal cells is accompanied with phases of inhibition. A decrease in the nonuniformity radius leads to the formation of an epileptic focus. It is a dissipative structure. The evolution of it is not further followed, since the transport equations do not include its dynamics.
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