[Functional state of various organs in patients after replantation an revascularization of large segments of the extremities]

Autor: Iu V, Kiprenskiĭ, N N, Chernyshova, A E, Ermolenko, O Iu, Skvortsova, M S, Cherniak
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Ortopediia travmatologiia i protezirovanie. (11)
ISSN: 0030-5987
Popis: The authors have analysed the results of functional examinations of some organs in 26 patients after replantation (9 cases) following complete (4) and subtotal (5) avulsion and after revascularization (17 cases) of large segments following severe mechanical injuries. It has been demonstrated that 4 to 6 months after the operation the disturbances in the electric activity of the brain and in the secretory and secretory functions of the kidneys have a reversible character and regress 2 to 5 years later. No functional disturbances concern-ing the thyroid gland, the cardiovascular system and the liver have been revealed in the patients who were examined 4 to 5 months following the surgery. The authors believe that after replantation or revascularization of a large segment of an extremity which was devoid of circulation for 5 to 7 hours the patients should be under medical control for the activity of the inner organs, first of all the brain and the kidneys for at least 2 paors to be able to correct their functioning in good time.
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