[Primitive lung abscess: an unusual situation in children]

Autor: O, Bouyahia, S, Jlidi, A, Sammoud
Jazyk: francouzština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Revue de pneumologie clinique. 70(6)
ISSN: 1776-2561
Popis: Lung abscess is a localized area of non tuberculosis suppurative necrosis of the parenchyma lung, resulting in formation of a cavity containing purulent material. This pathology is uncommon in childhood.A 3-year-6 month-old boy was admitted with prolonged fever and dyspnea. Chest X-ray showed a non systemized, well limited, thick walled, hydric, and excavated opacity containing an air-fluid level. Chest ultrasound examination showed a collection of 6. 8 cm of diameter in the right pulmonary field with an air-fluid level. Hemoculture showed Staphylococcus aureus. The patient received large spectrum antibiotherapy. Three days after, he presented a septic shock and surgical drainage was indicated. Histological examination confirmed the diagnosis of lung abscess. Any underlying condition such as inoculation site, local cause or immune deficiency, was noted and diagnosis of primary abscess was made. The patient demonstrated complete recovery. He is asymptomatic with normal chest X-ray and pulmonary function after 3 years of evolution.Lung abscess represent a rare cause of prolonged fever in childhood. An underlying condition must be excluded to eliminate secondary abscess.
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