[New perspectives in the treatment of hypercholesterolaemia since the availability of PCSK9 inhibitors]

Autor: X, Pintó, I, Sarasa
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Hipertension y riesgo vascular. 36(4)
ISSN: 1989-4805
Popis: The large clinical trials on cardiovascular prevention have demonstrated that the more atherogenic cholesterol is reduced the greater the preventive benefit, and neither a threshold value below which that effect disappears nor negative effects on health have been observed. Therefore, the objectives of hypercholesterolaemia control in patients at high cardiovascular risk are becoming ever stricter. The fact that most high-risk patients do not achieve these objectives requires, among other measures, rational use of available lipid-lowering drugs, including monoclonal antibodies that inhibit the protein PCSK9 (PCSK9i). The PCSK9i that are currently licensed for clinical use, evolocumab and alirocumab, have shown high potency in lowering LDL-cholesterol, which can exceed 60%, and other favourable effects on lipid profiles, including a very marked reduction of non-HDL cholesterol and apolipoproteinB. Likewise, through large-scale clinical trials, both drugs have demonstrated a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases, and a high degree of safety. In addition, in the case of alirocumab, a reduction in all-cause mortality has been observed. However, the high cost of the PCSK9i means that prescription is restricted to patients at highest cardiovascular risk who cannot be controlled with high-potency statins and ezetimibe. It is to be hoped that the new guidelines that are to be issued soon by various scientific societies will define in greater detail the patients and the conditions in which we can use PCSK9i, drugs which currently constitute the greatest advance in hypercholesterolaemia of recent decades.
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