Combination of Subtherapeutic Doses of Tretazicar and Liposomal Amphotericin B Suppresses and Cures

Autor: Diana, Caridha, Richard J, Sciotti, Jason, Sousa, Brian, Vesely, Tesfaye, Teshome, Gustave, Bonkoungou, Chau, Vuong, Susan, Leed, Mozna, Khraiwesh, Erica, Penn, Mara, Kreishman-Deitrick, Patricia, Lee, Brandon, Pybus, John S, Lazo, Elizabeth R, Sharlow
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: ACS infectious diseases. 7(2)
ISSN: 2373-8227
Popis: Cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is the most common form of leishmaniasis affecting human populations, yet CL remains largely ignored in drug discovery programs. CL causes disfiguring skin lesions and often relapses after "clinical cure" using existing therapeutics. To expand the pool of anti-CL lead candidates, we implemented an integrated screening platform comprising three progressive
Databáze: OpenAIRE