Early Neurodevelopmental Exposure to Low Lead Levels Induces Fronto-executive Dysfunctions That Are Recovered by Taurine Co-treatment in the Rat Attention Set-Shift Test: Implications for Taurine as a Psychopharmacotherapy Against Neurotoxicants

Autor: Lorenz S, Neuwirth, Youngjoo, Kim, Eddy D, Barrerra, Cyrus, Jo, Jean-Martin, Chrisphonte, Nimra, Hameed, Samantha, Rubi, Teddy F, Dacius, Jourvonn C, Skeen, Jalen R, Bonitto, Eric, Khairi, Asma, Iqbal, Isra, Ahmed, Sidrah, Masood, Bettina, Tranquilee, Veni, Thiruverkadu
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Advances in experimental medicine and biology. 1155
ISSN: 0065-2598
Popis: Lead (Pb
Databáze: OpenAIRE