Mutational Analysis of Protein Folding Transition States: Phi Values

Autor: Luis Alberto, Campos
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2376
ISSN: 1940-6029
Popis: The analysis of protein folding reactions by monitoring the kinetic effects of specifically designed single-point mutations, the so-termed phi-value analysis, has been a favorite technique to experimentally probe the mechanisms of protein folding. The idea behind phi-value analysis is that the effects that mutations have on the folding and unfolding rate constants report on the energetic/structural features of the folding transition state ensemble (TSE), which is the highest point in the free energy surface connecting the native and unfolded states, and thus the rate limiting step that ultimately defines the folding mechanism. For single-domain, two-state folding proteins, the general procedure to perform the phi-value analysis of protein folding is relatively simple to implement in the lab. Once the mutations have been produced and purified, the researcher needs to follow a few specific guidelines to perform the experiments and to analyze the data so produced. In this chapter, a step-by-step description of how to measure and interpret the effects induced by site-directed mutations on the folding and unfolding rate constants of a protein of interest is provided. Some possible solutions to the most typical problems that arise when performing phi-value analysis in the lab are also provided.
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