Monoethylglycinexylidide production as a measure in predicting hepatic histology

Autor: G, Forte, P, Rocco, A, Costanzo, E, Grimaldi, R, Rossi, M E, Bottiglieri, O, Biceglia, G, Zampella
Rok vydání: 1994
Zdroj: The Italian journal of gastroenterology. 26(4)
ISSN: 0392-0623
Popis: To clarify whether monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) production can be useful in predicting the severity of chronic liver disease, 51 subjects were enrolled in this study: 13 mild-moderate CAH (group A), 9 severe CAH (group B), 29 cirrhosis, 18 compensated and 11 decompensated disease (group C). The patients were injected with a 1 mg/Kg lidocaine bolus i.v. and serum-sampled for MEGX values (time 15, 30 and 60 minutes), determined by TDX-immunoassay. MEGX formation was significantly different (Mann-Whitney U test) in the three groups at each time interval, especially at 30 min: group A = 70.5 +/- 9.9 ng/ml (mean +/- SD); group B = 49.7 +/- 7.2; group C = 37.2 +/- 19.5 (in A vs B, p = 0.0003; in A vs C, p0.0001; in B vs C, p = 0.0237). The difference between compensated and decompensated cirrhosis was always significant (p = 0.0099, 0.0005, 0.0113 respectively) but between severe CAH and compensated cirrhosis it was marginal only at 15min (p = 0.0763) and absent at 30 and 60min. At 30min MEGX values60 suggest mild-moderate CAH,40 cirrhosis,30 decompensated cirrhosis, between 40 and 60 severe CAH or compensated cirrhosis. We are of the opinion that the MEGX test could be utilized to predict hepatic histology.
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