Impact of deltamethrin-impregnated bednets on biting rates of mosquitoes in Zaire

Autor: S, Karch, N, Asidi, Z, Manzambi, J J, Salaun, J, Mouchet
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 11(2 Pt 1)
ISSN: 8756-971X
Popis: In a rural area of Zaire, the whole population of a village was protected by deltamethrin-impregnated mosquitoes bednets. A similar village was observed as a control. Biting rates for mosquitoes were recorded in both villages. The principal man-biting species were Mansonia africana, Mansonia uniformis, and Aedes aegypti. In the village protected by the impregnated mosquito bednets, the number of Mansonia bites was reduced 96% indoors and at a lesser rate outdoors. Biting rates of Ae. aegypti dropped to 0 indoors, but the outdoor biting rate remained unchanged. It is concluded that the reduction in mosquito bites is not only caused by the repellent action of the deltamethrin but also by a reduction in mosquito numbers.
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