[Pharmacokinetics of lincomycins in experimental staphylococcal sepsis]

Autor: L I, Fateeva, M S, Poliak
Rok vydání: 1977
Zdroj: Antibiotiki. 22(7)
ISSN: 0003-5637
Popis: Pharmacokinetics of lincomycin hydrochloride and 7-chlor-7-desoxylincomycin hydrochloride (chlolincocin) was studied on albino mice and rabbits with experimental staphylococcal sepsis caused by intravenous introduction of highly pathogenic cultures. The septic process was accompanied by impairement of the kidney function, the pathological changes in the kidneys being most pronounced. The antibiotic levels in the blood and tissues of the internal organs, i.e. liver, kidneys, lungs and spleen increased in the infected animals, while the content of the antibiotic in the urine decreased. Determination of the plasmatic, kidney and extrakidney clearance revealed the increasing role of the extrakidney clearance. The shudy of the concentrations of 7-desoxylincomycin in the bile of the animals subjected to cholecystostomy showed that the role of the liver in elimination of lincomycin increased in the animals with experimental staphylococcal infection. As the state of the animals improved the changes in the pharmacokinetics of lincomycin decreased.
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